Mexico could improve its image in the world by showing other countries how to effectively deal with deportations.
According to Harvard University Professor Joseph Nye, “soft power” can mean global admiration, tourism and support in international organisms such as the United Nations.
Some experts say there could be some silver linings if Mexico turns a tragedy into a PR opportunity—another win for David against Goliath.
“My suggestion would be for the Mexican government to offer citizenship to two new citizens from two other countries for every returning Mexican,” says Simon Anholt, a government advisor and Good Country Index founder hired by the former administration of President Felipe Calderón.
Mexico could even lead by example by starting to treat Central American refugees with humanity.
“This will demonstrate that Mexico’s values are diametrically opposed to those of the new U.S. administration, a country that actively encourages and celebrates diversity and the positive side of globalization. If America is turning inwards and backwards, Mexico must turn outwards and forwards,” Anholt told.