Samsung Galaxy Note 7 investigation findings reveal two major battery problems

watch_later Sunday, January 22, 2017

The long and tumultuous story of the Galaxy Note7 smartphone finally has a conclusion now that Samsung has finally released the findings of its investigation into the exploding incidents that led to the device's recall.

At a press conference on Sunday, the Korean electronics giant laid out the details of what exactly went wrong with the smartphone that initially received glowing reviews, but soon was buried in reports of explosion incidents. 

Last week, some reports indicated that the findings would reveal problems with irregularly shaped batteries as the cause of the malfunctions and now Samsung's report has  shed light on the real cause of the malfunctions. 

According to Samsung, among the issues causing the battery malfunctions were internal short circuits in the batteries as well as a number of batteries were missing insulation tape. 

The findings come after the company conducted large-scale charge and discharge tests involving 700,000 engineers 200,000 devices and 30,000 thousand batteries.